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Would You Like To Maintain Your Privacy For Sure?


Modern technologies are going forward these days and new things are always appearing. And one of them is worth mentioning because of privacy concerns it creates. Recently Massachusetts started to use new smartphone-based scanners called MORIS (Mobile Offender Recognition and Information System). It allows policemen scan faces, eye irises and fingerprints remotely at the streets and compare them to the database records.


Although authorities claim that this facial recognition device may be used only by pre-authorized personnel and that there are no data which is stored at the device, it is left unclear how and when it may be used by policemen. The images scanned via MORIS go through the BI2-managed database and the whole technology is not fully regulated.


The companies involved in the usage of this device are telling that they instruct their employees and policemen to use the device only if there is a real suspect for crime, but who knows how half-regulated and not totally lawful device might be used?

False Positives

While iris scanning and fingerprints are well-made and completely trusted technologies, the facial recognition cannot be called the same. In fact, the most effective facial recognition system has maximum efficiency of 80%. And it can make false results seem to be positive ones. Just look at the Macaulay Culkin and Matt LeBlanc at the picture.

Culkin and LeBlanc comparison

There is another example of how this works. The man from Massachusetts, John H. Gass, was accused in having a false driver license because he looks like the other guy (at least very similar to that guy). But the program thought they are the same person, so our Jonny boy had many time wasted at proving that he is really who he is.

Not The End Of All Hope

Imagine that there are somewhere a bad guy looking much alike you. And one sunny day he or she commits murder, armed robbery or something like that. And other sunny day you are going to work and policemen stops you. Look here, I’ll scan your face, and he scan you. And you will be the new John Gass, but your case may be even worse.


To not let this happen you must know that MORIS uses 3G frequency to transmit scanned face image to the database for comparison. And you have the opportunity to block outgoing signal using portable 3G/GSM Jammers which you can hide inside your pocket or purse and turn it on before the scanning process begins.

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