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Cell phone jammers and signal blockers in Poland

Poland is a European Union state, so almost all modern mobile operators work there. It also operates standard mobile communication protocols at 900-1800 MHz frequencies. US phones will not work in this region.

Several prepaid and postpaid service options are available for mobile users. Prepayment is a good solution for those who do not want to agree with a mobile operator. In this case, you can always use your mobile for small temporary calls to stay in touch. To do this, you can easily purchase and activate a SIM card in specialized stores. Foreigners do not have to provide any supporting documents to ensure high-quality communication.

The postpaid option is helpful for those who always want to stay connected. However, you will have to enter into a contract for a year to receive the service. The bill is paid monthly. You must also apply for a visa and card and provide other documents. For tourists, only prepaid options are available.

Poland operators

The following mobile operators operate in Poland: T-Mobile, Orange Polska, Play, and Plus. They provide coverage of the whole country, ensuring an uninterrupted network. Operators also offer discounts and other favorable conditions for users to make calls.

Mobile Internet in Poland is well developed. 3G is relatively cheap compared to other countries. It operates at a frequency of 2.1 GHz. Mobile Internet users can use different smartphones. Also, 4G networks are actively developing in the country, gaining popularity among many people. This standard is available in major cities. The LTE communication standard is in effect.

Choosing jammers

Several parameters must be taken into account in this matter


The issue of power and, as a result, efficiency is essential. Many nuances can be confusing. The circuit design of the Chinese apparatus is primitive. To increase the radius, manufacturers increase the power, for which they hide the device in a metal case, partially performing the radiator function. Do not forget that a powerful machine cannot be used nearby - it is harmful!

Hold the signal

There is a possibility of getting lost from the suppression frequency, but without a unique measuring technique, the user will never know about it. These are the main differences from plastic mufflers of dubious production. Silencers from well-known manufacturers are significantly more expensive, but they will last for many years, ensuring trouble-free operation.

The presence of a battery

Silencers are stationary (mains powered) and portable, with a built-in battery. At the same time, even when using a device with a storm in a car, it is recommended to supply power and work from the mains to increase efficiency.

Also, external antennas and a channel regulator can distinguish different types of jammers.

The main parameter is the frequency grid

This characteristic is the most important since it is simply impossible to adapt one device for all tasks. Everything is simple here: the more channels, the less power per channel. An excellent stationary device in a separate room will work most efficiently.

If mobility is required, choosing several low-power devices with a helpful signal or, as a last resort, one device is recommended. Still, we are looking for an opportunity to provide power. As a rule, the radius of action of plastic portable jammers corresponds to stationary Chinese jammers.

Wi-Fi hotspots

There are Wi-Fi hotspots in Poland. They are available in almost all public institutions. These points are entirely free. Only restaurants and cafes may require a specific fee for accessing the network. However, be careful when using public networks. You must protect personal data, as attackers can easily intercept your traffic.

These are the most common Internet standards used in Poland. Your phone must necessarily support the GSM 900-1800 MHz standard.

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