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Illegal Privacy Breach: How Governmental Structures Spying On You


The modern government actively uses a variety of tools to track people. However, these methods are not used very often. Tracking methods are pretty simple and invisible, so it is sometimes difficult to even understand all the results and features. That is why below are all the possible options for spying on you.

6 Steps Of Spying

  • One phone is used to dial the second subscriber. A text alert can also be sent, making it easy to trace user data.
  • The signal from one phone passes through the base tower. After that, the next request for action is provided.
  • Further, the mobile signal passes through a specialized center and is duplicated. After that, the signals can go different ways.


  • The initial signal operates on the same principle. The conversation proceeds as usual without any additional problems. The difference is also almost imperceptible to everyone.
  • The next signal can be intercepted, after which it can be easily used to capture information.
  • If something suspicious is found in the conversation, then the information can be recorded.

Preliminary Protection

All modern tracking tools work quite effectively in accordance with established standards. Tracking phones is not difficult, so you need to take care of your security a little.


All can be seen or heard by the government.

How can you prevent it?

For protection, you can use special jammers. These tools are of high performance. How effective do you think such a mechanism is? We are waiting for your answer!

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