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GLONASS System Substantially Lose Its U.S. Counterpart

GLONASS system

Ground-based navigation technology Russia's GLONASS system substantially lost its U.S. counterpart - GPS (Navstar), said Alexander Gurko, chairman of the board of directors of OJSC "Navigation and Information Systems (NIS) - the foremost federal GLONASS web operator in an interview.

Web operator interview

"It would seem has all the ingredients to GLONASS, as an alternative to GPS, has become a truly global development and spread worldwide. But this is not happening. The time for the active promotion of GLONASS has been lost due to lack of competitive chipsets GLONASS / GPS", -- said Gurko. He was to argue that to catch up with GPS in terms of ground infrastructure and production for mass consumers, Russia needs to develop even more rapidly because the domestic market is not organized and GLONASS products, based on their development, appear much slower than the GPS. "Not to mention the promotion of world markets, where the degree of awareness of the GLONASS is almost zero," - declared the head of the first federal GLONASS network operator.

Moreover, Alexander Gurko is sure that GLONASS has a chance to expand further.

"With the economic crisis, and paradoxically it may sound, the GLONASS has a chance. In connection with the instability, the consequence of the U.S. GPS, the GALILEO in Europe, and the Chinese BEIDOU slowed. Russian network for the navigation system can make up for the lost two or three years and strengthen its position not only in Russian Federation and retired Soviet republics but also in the world "- the upcoming move GLONASS is necessary to radically change the pace of implementation of domestic developments in Russia and abroad. If we continue along the old course, the existence of GLONASS is being questioned, "- identified the first head of the Federal GLONASS network operator.

GLONASS system features

From his point of view, the GLONASS remained for no more than three years to have time to become a competitive system.

"Maybe to close the options for the growth of GLONASS, which is not more than three or four years before the active promotion of GALILEO, BEIDOU. We need vigorous and rapid action: first, to develop a competitive chipsets GLONASS / GPS, in addition to products they're based on, and secondly - to create markets for devices and methods founded on the growth of GLONASS for mass application, "- says Alexander Gurko.

CEO of Jammer commented on this story as follows: "In our store, you can find a lot of GPS jammers and GLONASS blockers, as well as new items - LOJACK jammers, XM RADIO, 4G blockers»

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